Friday 20 June 2014

Work inspired by a visit to Harris. The shingle horse.

20th June - I ve always been fascinated by wild places-(probably from childhood camping holidays
spent on the west coast of scotland), so a couple of years ago Jon and I went to Harris in the Outer Hebrides. A windswept barren landscape, almost lunar, white beaches, and the thrill of seeing an eagle... here are a couple of etchings from work  I have on sale at the Finsbay Gallery, Ardvey, Harris (, and will be on view in the wagon studio.

This is a zinc plate etching where I have pressed real feathers into a soft ground, (more obvious when you see the real print).

Soay sheep are also seen in the Hebrides more specifically on the small island of Soay and St Kilda. They are supposed to be descended from original Viking sheep. We have a small flock on our smallholding in Pilton, they are great characters but terrible to catch!

This is an etching done on plastic so no acid process involved, tone is suggested by hatching or printing with slightly dirty plate.

And lastly.....

The shingle horse! Couldnt resist taking a photo of the shingle making area, these are covering the top area of the wagon studio, the bottom half painted in deep blue.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Late Winter - Early Spring. The Wagon Takes Shape

7th June. The studio/living wagon grows apace! From wood skeleton through to the insulation, planning the outer skin (paint and shingles), flooring, and windows- here are some photos to show progress- with a short interruption for lambing!

Late winter/ spring, skeleton frame


 Spring- insulation goes on. Radnor ewes and lambs.

                                        Corner posts, outer skin and chestnut shingles