Monday 6 October 2014

The Wagon Studio Opening for Arts week- all the news and finale.

Monday 6th October

I wake up this morning, wind howling and the rain pelting down!-but for the two weeks of open studios we have been blessed with glorious sunny weather - I've had a good amount of visitors, and sales - people have been really interested in what I do and the techniques I use.I would like to thank all of you who have come to see me and my work, and sharing our thoughts of the landscape around the farm - both Jon and I have made some good  friends and contacts. The wagon of course has had a lot of admirers. Here is a collage of photos made by my  friend Fran, showing the gallery space inside the wagon (top left and left), its humble beginnings (top right), the wagon studio on its pitch, (right) and my daughter Vicky and I getting ready for the private view in the barn, (middle).

At the  private view opening- myself and some good friends with the wagon lit up........ Happy days!

I shall be continuing to work in the wagon studio, and will be posting my progress on the blogspot so please keep your eye out for new posts- I am exhibiting with my printmaking group at Strode Theatre in December so I will be posting the dates up for that .If you need to contact me my details are on the Somerset Arts Week website. Looking forward to the next open studios- got fed up with the housework already!